Professional Online  Guitar Instruction since 1995

  • All styles
  • All Levels 
  • All Ages
  • All over the world via Zoom (Appointment only)
  • All you need is high-speed internet and a guitar
  • Contact me at for information


About me

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my website! So, you're interested in learning guitar? Or, maybe you want to take your skill to the next level? Learning from Youtube is slow and incredibly frustrating, I know. That's where I come in! I will unlock the secrets that guitarist have been seeking for years! I will teach you how to sound like a pro, properly execute technique and most importantly, how to maintain a practice routine that will guarantee maximum results as well as learning the music theory behind it all. I'm not just a teacher, I'm a coach. I play right along with every student in real time, note for note. 

I began instructing professionally for over 30 years ago! Starting in 1993, I found out I could advance students to their maximum potential with just a few simple tips. I taught 50+ students weekly for years, then in  2017 I became the owner and operator of Pro Musica Studio music instruction school in Kennett Square, PA. I now instruct students from ages 8 to 75 all over the world, completely online through ZOOM. Dozens of my guitar students went on to be professional performers, studio musicians, and Instructors!  I also write, record and tour on a regular basis with my band THREE TON. Let's get started today, it's convenient and affordable! Email, call or text me for pricing and availability: 


Phone: (302) 528-5210

Three Ton website:




Professional Guitar Instructor